Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Day off? What's that?

Today I do not have classes, that does not mean I have the day off. There are doors to hang, cables to run, frames to paint, dare I say it, kitchens to install. Gotta go, much to do!

By the way, I'm not complaining, I actually love it!


Ludicrousity said...

Well I'm watchign bad day time tv and generally slacking of.f I'm about to take a nap.

Billy said...

How good are naps? I was talking to Rach's Grandpa today, he is 90 soon and can nap with the best of them. *stands in awe of old people's frequent napping*

Ludicrousity said...

I love naps. I shoudl move to a country that has a siesta as part of their day. Greece? Argentina? Anywhere! I want a nap as a regular part of my day.

Billy said...

I think Mexico, then we can call you 'Senorita'!

I think siestas should be introduced by law into western society, i wonder what would be the result if everyone HAD to have a nap in the arvo?

Ludicrousity said...

We'd be less grumpy! Yay for siestas!!! I'm going to implement it in my life, and everyone else can work around me. Good plan? I thought so!