Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Over the long weekend, I had the opportunity to go camping...so a camping did I go. Friday night saw representatives of the Baldwin, Stewart and Toohey families travel to the Cathedral Ranges, about 1.5 hours from Eltham, near Eildon.

The highlights were many (including wildlife, fire, coffee, fire, unsuccessfully warding off kleptomaniac Kookaburras from Ness's breakfast, fire and coffee). I also learnt that Kathryn just LOVES tuna. The girl can't get enough of the stuff!!!

On the down side, Matty got sick and fair to say, the weather was a little 'fresh'!

The thing I love about camping is that it is so slow!!! For example, If you want a cup of coffee (which I often did), you can't just press a button and have boiling water 1 minute later. You first have to go to the river and get some water, boil it on camp burner etc etc. The whole process takes a lot of time. As a result of everything taking longer, you basically only have time to sleep, eat, drink coffee and build and maintain fires. I LOVE THE SLOW LIFE!!!

I think the thing that makes or breaks a camping trip is the people that you camp with. In this case, excellent people made an excellent trip!


Ludicrousity said...

I'm so not a camping kinda gal. Give me a real bed any day. Plus at this time of year I like my central heating too much to go wtihout it. Maaybe warmer months I'd cope camping in a caravan park or something. But yay for you guys. I kidna wish I liked camping, coz I like the idea of camping.

Dboy said...

LOVE camping, LOVE the slow life. I think the things I love about camping are people (just like you, Billy) and the whole 'survival in the wild' deal. Mmmm... warding off aminals... to the head!

Billy said...

Why do some of us like the slow life, we don't get as much done....why do we think it is better to 'get things done'?

Jem said...

Hi Billy

I love camping. Infact I was just discussing a camping trip with my boyfriend yesterday. There are some really lovely camp sites over here. Last year we went to St. Andrews for 3 days.
The only draw back is that I always think there are all sorts of wild animals roaming about in the middle of the night. Thats a bit scary. Not that there are many deadly ones in Scotland!

Jem x

Dboy said...

Getting things done sucks The Butt... Up The Butt!

Ludicrousity said...

Not that again...

wire said...

camping? more like... scamping.

Martin Boutros said...

Why don't you like getting things done, DBoy?