Monday, August 07, 2006

What If...

At a recent Youth Hub meeting, we were talking about how our church as a community can reach Eltham High (as another community). We were talking about how in the past we have tended to segregate and neglect some parties in that community. Eg, Eltham high is largely made up of 3 groups - kids, teachers and parents. We have tended to only engage the kids (at a limited level).

The idea of 'incarnational' ministry is that we as Christians must follow Jesus' example and go into the world. And not just to go into the world, but to immerse ourselves in THEIR culture, and hang out in THEIR territory and become like THEM. We have fallen into the exact opposite of these statements.


I wonder what would be required to reach Eltham High School (as a whole) and to go to them as a community rather than expecting them to come to us!

Imagine the potential...imagine the relationships.....imagine sipping the perfect latte in heaven at at a table with a kid or parent or teacher who says "I'm really glad your church loved Eltham High otherwise I wouldn't be here in heaven enjoying this divine, never ending latte - FOREVER!!

The potential is to change the world...To change the world for the people of Eltham change their eternity!


Soldier of Truth said...

i remember having this exact conversation with two lovely youth hub ladies after hearing Anne Wilkinson-Hayes. and with a lovely lass many moons ago with the last name of Telfer.

i would love to get on board as the urban missions hub mover and shaker. keep me up to date.

Martin Boutros said...

All power to youse all!

Remember, be careful, even with words like incarnational - be reflective about how you think of "US" going to "THEM"... Incarnation means we are identifying with the community.

They are us. We are recoginsing god-shaped needs in our midst. God will work in that context.

The messengers must become part of the medium. 'the word became flesh...'

I say this because missionaries of a couple of generations ago, went out to 'them' but with an emperial approach of taking 'our' culture and traditions out to them. We are not just building our temple a little closer to save them crossing the road. We are amongst them eager to see what God is already doing there, what unique needs, metaphors and solutions God will coalesce in their context.

Billy said...

you are right Rev. That is an error in thinking. Re-reading my post evolked more than one 'cringe' in me!

I think my point was more related to the 'location' of where we live out our faith. Traditionally, the living out of faith has been reserved for the cathedrals and pews of a Sunday.

I am saying that perhaps if we are to make a significant difference in the people who don't know God, we should be living our lives along side them, with them, (and your point Rev) AS them.

Ludicrousity said...

I am all for this stuff, I guess I struggle with knowing how to practically implement this. I get the theory and agree with it, but it's the action I struggle with.

Martin Boutros said...

its all good billy!

go for it and take the nippy nimbin hippy with you!

Steve Chatelier said...

will you allow me a moment of cynicism Rev and billy? Yes? Thanks!

i think we need to be careful about always labelling those missionaries of a couple of generations as the naughty imperialistic ones...I was naieve enough to think we would see the type of misso the rev describes here in K;stan, but are yet to be super-impressed on that front.

So perhaps the cautionary note should be: missionaries (present) tend to go out to 'them' with an imperial approach...

but anyway, i think seeing the school community as a whole is a good step.
how that all works out will always involve "mistakes" in thinking and doing, but we learn through process, don't we? gotta at least have the motivation to begin keen to hear what happens!

Martin Boutros said...

Yes S & A I think you are right. But why would we expect western missionaries to quickly 'get it' when we have formed them in western, suburban churches all along?

Our theolgy is formed by our context - we take it with us asuming it is objective and 'given'. Very hard to seee through other eyes.

It will never happens idealistically...

The sacred text of Acts records a fairly adhoc approach towards the gentiles. Very hard for jewish christian missionaries to picture incarnating int Gentile culture let alone gentile churches!

Steve Chatelier said...

yep, I think we agree revhead!

Ludicrousity said...

Well said!