Monday, March 27, 2006

Oops, I forgot

I just realised that this is week 6 of college. You all know what that means don't That's ok, either did I until I looked at my subject outlines and realised I have two assignments due tomorrow. One may ask "Why are you posting when you should be writing assignments?"
That, my friends is a great question, one that deserves a great answer. Unfortunately I am fresh out of 'great' answers, all I have are these measly 'excuses'

It got me thinking(procrastinating) what makes for a good excuse? Is there a ratio of believability vs shock...ativity (or is it 'shockness')? If so, what is that magical ratio....not that I will be needing it.........


Ludicrousity said...

All the best Paul! I feel for you. I'm strugglign with the motivation for study at the moment...

wire said...

70-30 with more in favour of the shock. eg: "my cat blew up all over my homework"

they will either be so shocked that they will excuse you or else the will rationalise it in their head and assume you said "threw-up" and thus also excuse you. win-win.

Billy said...

Would it put the ratio out if i said, my cat threw up on my homework, the cat had been drinking petrol.The petrol ignited blowing up not only the cat, but the homework as well. This leaves no space for such insentative retorts as "well couldn't you wipe the cats guts off the homework and still submit it?

Ludicrousity said...

I like the way you think!