Monday, September 11, 2006

Spewin' - i missed it!

I was SO annoyed when I saw on this video that Jesus had already come back. I had some ideas as to what it would be like - definatly didn't realise Jesus would be wearing sunglasses....

All i can say is "Cuckoo"


Ludicrousity said...

Oh my gosh. That is sooooooo scarey! I can't believe how blindly people are following him. What is wrong with that guy? I wonder if he's making it all up, or whether he actualyl believes it.

Ludicrousity said...

Ok, I'm still watching it coz it's loading REALLY slow. No more sin, no more prayer, btu give me lots of money... riiiiight... how are people falling for this?!!!

wire said...

whenever i see something like this i just want to sit people down and inject some logic and reasoning into them. for example: is he just throwing out the bible or what? because if he is then he has no claim on my cash or any evidence of what Jesus or God should be like and so why should i devote my life to him. If not, then how can he argue any of that "no sin, prayer" is a waste of time crap. And if he want s to keep just some? well that's totally dumb and illogical - it becomes a fallible document. nobody, least of all God, is going to prove any sort of big claim with a document they themselves are deriding.


wire said...

here's hoping he (or whoever drives him) bombs out and totally fails.

Billy said...

I wonder who drives him? I reckon it could be Mcdonalds, or maybe Geroge W?

Luke said...

"They're teaching the wrong gospel."

So there's no sin or prayer, right? The Bible has got it wrong, huh? Yet donating money to the church, the actual truth of Jesus being the son of God still apply? And Satan is a fairy tale... even though that's what Jesus experienced?! What the heck?!

"We try to do it... politely."

But there's no sin... so how is politely any more right than violently?

This guy scares the crap out of me. Either that, or the fact that people, in significant numbers, march in his name. *shudders*

Mutt said...

It looks like I am still yet to see the limit to people's gullibility.

It's worse when you're close enough to be in the ballpark but you still don't get a homerun

wire said...

he didn't even get to first base.

Mutt said...

I doubt he's ever got to first base.

Yeah, this analogy is taking on a whole new meaning. New analogy!

Billy said...

OK - here is another analogy:

Its like he is trying to get 'down and dirty' with a woman, but its not working....

or how about this:

He is like a Bull on a Stud farm....

I'm pretty good with analogies man.

wire said...

You're pretty good with Analogies Man? Are you sure? He didn't seem too happy with you last Friday.

How about this one: He's like a guy, with a bunch of other guys but none of them are gay... and all the women are dead.

Mutt said...


'Pretending to be Jesus'
anagrams to
'Obese, prudent jesting.'


'Charlatan Jesus'
anagrams to
'Just a clean rash'


'Religeous sham'
anagrams to
'I am huge losers.'

This proves a lot

Ludicrousity said...

Ahahahaha! Anagrams Rock.

That guy is psychotic, but not moreso than his followers! What the hell do they believe?!

Dboy said...

Hahahaha! You guys are awesome :)

From Guru's "But there's no sin... so how is politely any more right than violently?" to Billy and Wire's analogies to KK's crazy anagrams. Beautiful.

Here's a good one:

1. This guy allegedly is God.

2. Prayer is useless.

3. Prayer is talking to God.


4. Noone should bother talking to this guy!


Ludicrousity said...

I love logic!