Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Rach's New Convertible

On Sunday, Rach and I came home to see that Rach's car wasn't as tall as it used to be. The insurance company classifies it as "An Act of God". I don't think they know how right they are! You see, we were wondering if we should trade Rach's car in the next month or two, before it hit 100,000kms. As it turns out, with the odometer on 90,000kms, that decision has been made for us!

No one was hurt, our neighbors were entertained for a bit and we get a new car out of it. All good if you ask me!


Dave said...

Great work mate,

An act of God. bet you weren't think this was the "answer" you sought!


wire said...

Oh my.

At least the SPAC plates survived.

Best answer to prayer EVER.

Dr Dan said...

So we got it right with only sawing through 3/4 of the trunk. Good work.

Dboy said...

LMAO - agrees with Wire. Best ever.

Martin Boutros said...

How do we know these aren't just doctored up stills from the 'stupid show'? Hmmm?

I mean they're not real number plates, surely? It looks like figurines set up on a table and shot at close range! If you look closely at the face of one of the figurines, you'll see it's a Ken doll!

Next you'll be telling me the moon landings really happened, yeah right!

Soldier of Truth said...

and as always a perfect end fro a mitsubishi:-p

Ludicrousity said...


Decision made!

wire said...

call that a new post?

disappointing. very disappointing.

Ludicrousity said...

Get your claws out!

Dboy said...

Like Wolverine? Now Billy is turning into Wolverine? It's for the healing powers, I know. They can come in mighty handy when you're facing an enraged and thoroughly overpowered Pheonix. Just ask the real Wolverine. Who really is Billy, or really Billy is becoming, and so will probably be having an encounter with Pheonix soon. Or maybe just a sentinel... which could actually just be a simulation... and you could get all macho and go "I'm far too good, I can handle this sentinel by myself" and "I don't even need my teammates" and "Who needs teammates when you have claws and healing powers like these?"

Hence the reference to getting one's claws out. I could go on...