Monday, August 14, 2006


I don't usually go out of my way to get into politics (sorry Steve, can we still be friends?), but I just couldn't dismiss this with my usual 'I don't do politics' quip.

I got an email from Wire about a survey the Democrats have on their website regarding God and government. I usually hate these things, but I don't think I could bear to hear them crapping on for the next 3 years that the 'results of our survey showed that Australians don't see any value in religion' etc etc. SO, here is the link, it is about 20 Q's, will take most people less than 5mins.

I just can't resist this opportunity...."Do the survey if you want good luck for the next 486 years. Send it to 890 people in the next 2 minutes if you love Jesus........."


Dave said...

I did the survey too Paulie.
1 also encouraged our whole church to do it. i appreciated them asking our feedback but i really found the questions to be put across in a very biased manner, which seemed to outline the results they wanted to achieve, rather than honest feedback. what were your thoughts?


Dave said...

I did the survey too Paulie.
1 also encouraged our whole church to do it. i appreciated them asking our feedback but i really found the questions to be put across in a very biased manner, which seemed to outline the results they wanted to achieve, rather than honest feedback. what were your thoughts?


Billy said...

I heard a spokesperson from the Democrats saying that 'the results would/could not be used statistically, but rather as a 'indication of people's opinions' - which is code for "The survey is so poorly written there is only one likely outcome - the outcome that serves our purposes"

I wonder if they will indeed publish the results if they are not what they intended?

On the intelligent design thing...why not just let the kids write the entire curricilum? "OK kids, this week in 'How to make mud pies' class....."

Martin Boutros said...

Paulie? You have another name than 'billy'?

I agree with rocky; the whole survey was framed as if catholicism or fundamentalism were the average expressions of relgion - what about other faiths and even other religions or even the secular faiths like communism, or 'deep- environmentalism'?

Still, at least it is a forum. Spirituality is at least a blip on their radar. Parksy was saying after the last election the ALP were surprised by the popularity of Fielding and Fam first. They are needing to reconsider their own working class catholic constituency which they have ignored for years.

Ludicrousity said...

Oh damn.. apparently I don't love Jesus enough. I did it when wire sent it out. Very interesting.

Ludicrousity said...

Oh, and Dave, I agree. The questions seemed quite leading at times. It was a bad survey.

Steve Chatelier said...

To me it seemed that the survey was merely asking questions based on recent events. Yes, it was not comprehensive, but it is obviously not designed to be a comprehensive survey with only 23 questions.
The point is, they wanted to find out where people's opinions lay within a narrow area of religious influence on politics.

Do you think that, if the Democrats want to run a non-comprehensive survey on religious belief and politics, they should advertise that it is not designed to be comprehensive?


Ludicrousity said...

Haha! No