Thursday, March 30, 2006

"I don't have a theology"

I have heard people say that they do not have a theology in certain areas. I read someone else (I am really bad a remembering sources) say that EVERYONE has a theology, it is either a good theology or a bad theology.
the·ol·o·gy (th-l-j)n. pl. the·ol·o·gies: A system or school of opinions concerning God and religious questions

I wonder if this is true? Does everyone have a theology be it good (correct) or bad (incorrect/inaccurate)?


Ludicrousity said...

How can you think of God if you don't have a theology? Everyone has one, it just may not be an articulate well thought out theology that can be concisely explained. Teology is merely the way that we think about and understand God, therefore, we all have one right?

wire said...

'a theology' seems to very much sound like a portion of a worldview which we all have regardless. people who say i don't have a theology maybe mean they don't have a considered opinion.

wire said...

also, in your "About" section -isn't the qoute "alms for an ex-leper"? just thought i'd point it out :)

Billy said...

i agree with you both, why is it then that some people claim to be 'theology..less'? Is it an avoidance mechanism?

by the way Wire, very good in picking up the error in my 'About' section.

Definitions of alms on the Web:

money or goods contributed to the poor

You did however miss the other mistake, which has now been corrected.

Steve Chatelier said...

I think wire has it right when he mentions "considered opinion". When we ask someone what their theology is, aren't we really asking: what is your considered opinion about God or about whatever issue in light of God?
If, then, someone has not considered this, then they say "I don't have a theology on this"...that seems pretty fair to me.

Ludicrousity said...

I guess it just depends on how you define the term theology. Most people think theology is an academic, thought out presentation of thoughts the subject of God.