We had our first 'How to have a Baby' class last night. For some reason they skipped the first part of 'How to have a Baby'. I guess they they figured everyone there was either pregnant or with someone who was pregnant and they probably already knew that part of the story.
So there we all were, self conscious and a bit on edge. The very start of the class, the midwife says "Lets just go around the group and introduce yourself and how many weeks pregnant you are - Lets start here...with you Paul (referring to my hand scrawled sticky label nametag). In a frenzied thought process that I suspect may have resulted in smoke being produced, I couldn't quite remember how many weeks pregnant we were. My panicked and inquisitive glances to my lovely wife were met with a look that said "what, why are you looking at me"
When time ran out and the entire room was looking to me for the aforementioned introduction and spouting forth of pregnancy information, it was then that I referred to my old friend and wingman - "humour" (at least that’s what I like to call it, Rach may disagree). "Hi I'm Paul and I not actually pregnant, but my wife is and she can tell you how many weeks pregnant we are" The response from the 'crowd' was satisfactory and I like to think that I was responsible for lightening the mood somewhat, in an otherwise tense situation. I did have a little competition from two of the other 'support partners' however, I am confident that over the next 5 weeks, I will be able to deal with them suitably.
I don't think I had prepared myself for the onslaught of pictures, diagrams, model pelvises and videos that greeted us as we walked through the doors. If I had have thought about it for a while, I would have realised that this was an educational exercise and as such certain 'learning aides' would be prolific. Once I got over the shock of such explicit graphic representations I settled in a little was OK with my environment.
Halfway through the class we had a little coffee break which in itself was hilarious. All the pregnant women made a bee-line to the toilet, all the guys went to the kitchen, each to make a cupper x 2.
After the coffee break we had more diagrams and videos before class was dismissed 2.5 hours after we started. I wonder if they could look at some sort of 'Online Learning' experience. It could be self paced, you could choose the extent to which pictures and diagrams are used. I wonder what else could be included in the online 'How to have a baby' class?